
目前分類:自修英文-文法 (4)

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大部份的....部份的... 所有的....百分之多少的....幾分之幾的

    1. 數詞  of   the (my / your...)   + 不可數N + 單V...
    2. 數詞  of   the (my / your...)   + 可數N    + 複V...

        PS. 數詞:most, all, some, half, part, the rest, one-third, two-thirds, none, plenty

    *Most of the money was stolen. 大部份的錢是被偷了. ($不可數)
    *Seventy percent of the water is contaminated. 百分之七十的水是被污染.(水不可數)
    *All of the students are here. 所有的學生都在這兒.(學生可數)


二、指示形容詞/數詞   +    N      of       我的/你的/我自己的/你自己的

    *He is one of my best friends.
    *(O) He is my best friend.          
    *(X) He is the best friend of mine.  不能加the.

PS.指示形容詞:a, an, any, some, this, these, that, those, which, a few, 

PS.  所有格代名詞(後不加N.)
* Her book are as interesting as mine. 他的書如我的一樣有趣.
我們的: ours
你(你們)的: yours
他的: his
她的: hers
他們的: theirs
它的: its

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簡略附合句-肯定(你是, 我也是. )
-->使用 and..., too 或 and so倒裝

1. ..., and ..., too
* You love him, and I do, too.
* You are a teacher, and I am, too.

2. ..., and so 倒裝
* You love him, and so do I.
* You are a teacher, and so am I.

二.前後指同一人: so不倒裝.
* A: He is stupid. 他很蠢.
   B: So he is.      他的確很蠢.
   B: Indeed he is.


PS. also 只能用在肯定句(完整句)中.
* He is kind, and she is also kind.
* He has a pen, and she also has one.


簡略附合句-否定( 你不是, 我也不是.)
-->使用        ..., and neither 倒裝    或    ..., nor 倒裝   或      ..., and 否定, either. 

1. and neither倒裝.
* He isn't nice, and neither is she.
* He won't come, and neither will she.
⋯⋯* He wasn't going home, and neither was she.

2. nor倒裝.( nor本身為連接詞, 故前不加 and)
* He isn't nice, nor is she.
* He won't come, nor will she.
* He wasn't going home, nor was she.

3. 否定, either
* He isn't nice, and she isn't, either.
* He won't come, and she won't, either.
* He wasn't going home, and she wasn't, either.

EX: He never tells a lie, and neither does she.
EX: He has no book, and she doesn't, either.




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可能地程度:   likely  , probably,  possibly
1. likely    adv.adj. 
   * He will (very / most) likely come. 
   * 他很有可能會來.  (likely 當adv.時~可用very/most修飾)
2. probably  adv.
   * She will probably leave.
   * 她很可能將要離開.

1. possibly  adv.
   * They will possibly help him.
   * 他們說不定會幫他.

PS. probable  與 possible  之形容詞~只能用於事件物 , 不能用於人~
* 錯誤: He is probable to come.
   正確: It is probable that he will come.

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  1. the other day(前些時候), some other day(改天)
    one day(某一天),   some day(將來有一天)

    1. the other day. 前些時候(用於過去式)
    I saw him in the park the other day.

    2. some other day. 改天(用於未來式)
    I'm busy now. I will visit you some other day.
    我現在很忙, 改天再去拜訪你.

    3. one day 某一天(可用於過去, 未來)
    *I saw him downtown one day. 我某日在城裡看到他.
    *One day you'll be sorry. 總有一天你會後悔.

    4. some day 將來有一天(用於未來式)
    *Keep on working hard, and someday you'll be successful.
    要不斷的用功, 將來有一天你會成功.


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