簡略附合句-肯定(你是, 我也是. )
-->使用 and..., too 或 and so倒裝

1. ..., and ..., too
* You love him, and I do, too.
* You are a teacher, and I am, too.

2. ..., and so 倒裝
* You love him, and so do I.
* You are a teacher, and so am I.

二.前後指同一人: so不倒裝.
* A: He is stupid. 他很蠢.
   B: So he is.      他的確很蠢.
   B: Indeed he is.


PS. also 只能用在肯定句(完整句)中.
* He is kind, and she is also kind.
* He has a pen, and she also has one.


簡略附合句-否定( 你不是, 我也不是.)
-->使用        ..., and neither 倒裝    或    ..., nor 倒裝   或      ..., and 否定, either. 

1. and neither倒裝.
* He isn't nice, and neither is she.
* He won't come, and neither will she.
⋯⋯* He wasn't going home, and neither was she.

2. nor倒裝.( nor本身為連接詞, 故前不加 and)
* He isn't nice, nor is she.
* He won't come, nor will she.
* He wasn't going home, nor was she.

3. 否定, either
* He isn't nice, and she isn't, either.
* He won't come, and she won't, either.
* He wasn't going home, and she wasn't, either.

EX: He never tells a lie, and neither does she.
EX: He has no book, and she doesn't, either.





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